Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

By Jake Alexandre

Hormones are our Bodies chemical messengers affecting our mood, appetite, energy level, metabolism, weight, physique, sex drive, immune system and even behaviour. As we age our hormonal system becomes less efficient and more imbalanced generally leading to changes such as female menopause and male andropause. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a process that restores the body's hormone balance using your body's natural hormones.

Specific hormones used in BHRT include estrone, estradiol, progesterone (which are available both in FDA-approved manufactured products and as pharmacy-compounded products) testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone.

These final products, when either rubbed on the skin or swallowed by the patient, are identified by the human body as being biologically identical to the natural hormones of their body. In other words, from a chemical standpoint, the body responds to the hormones as if it were the naturally produced identical biological structure of the hormones of the body, rather than a foreign substance being introduced occurs with synthetic hormones. Bio-identical natural hormones are anti-inflammatory and therefore anti-aging by their nature of action. Bio-identical hormones fit into receptor sites like a lock and key mechanism. The effect of the hormones is specific to the dose required by the bio-identical hormones. In nature, more is not necessarily better.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe treatment for women. There are minimal side effects which often require hormone treatment adjustment of the dosage. The hormones in BHRT are natural so that the body metabolizes bioidentical hormones way it is supposed to, naturally. Traditional synthetic hormone treatment has more side effects. One should notice improvement within 3 to 4 days.

Bioidentical hormones, like their synthetic counterparts (HRT), are powerful substances that may offer health benefits, but also come with risks. It is difficult to determine the extent to which BHRT is associated with most risks and side effects because of the lack of long-term clinical trials using BHRT or comparing bio-identical hormone replacement with other forms of HRT in the United States.

Medical research has proven that the majority of women's disorders, including menopause, PMS, migraines, and depression can be treated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. For women the midst of menopause, BHRT -bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and testosterone can bring a rebirth of energy, sexual desire, and the ability to have a healthy active life. Bioidentical hormones offer the same benefits of synthetic hormones, without many of the unwanted dangerous side effects.

They are made from a plant where a substance called dysgenic is removed and then modified to bio-identical hormones like the hormones in the body. The most common reason that women choose to engage in Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is for the relief of symptoms related to menopause, premenopausal, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS.) Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed by a physician after the proper assessment and laboratory tests. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, when properly done by a physician with the right training, is not an addition of medications, but a replacement of naturally occurring physiological substances that we lose as we age.

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