Symptoms of Mesothelioma are Not Specific and Can be Caused by Other Conditions

Symptoms of mesothelioma are not-specific and can be caused by other conditions. Therefore, immediately see a doctor if you feel the above symptoms, especially if you have a history of exposure to asbestos.

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Mesothelioma Diagnosis

The doctor will suspect a patient has mesothelioma, if there are symptoms, which are confirmed by a physical examination. However, to be sure, it is necessary to carry out imaging tests such as

  • X-rays, to detect abnormalities, such as thickening in the lining of the lungs, fluid in the pleural cavity, or changes in lung shape.

  • CT scan, to examine the chest and abdomen area, and detect signs of cancer, determine the location of the cancer, and check whether the cancer has spread to other organs of the body.

  • PET (Positron Emission Tomography). Examination using compounds containing radioactive atoms that are injected into the body to get a detailed picture of the tissue suspected of having cancer cells.

  • MRI, to get a more detailed picture of the tissue to determine the location of the tumor.

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Symptoms of Mesothelioma are Not Specific

In addition, the doctor may also recommend further examinations in the form of :

  • Examination of fluid samples. If the patient has fluid accumulation in the body related to mesothelioma, the doctor will take a fluid sample using a needle that is inserted through the skin into the area where the fluid is located. Next, the fluid will be analyzed in the laboratory to detect the presence of cancer cells

  • Biopsy, which is a procedure for removing tissue samples from certain body parts for later analysis in the laboratory

Mesothelioma stage

Based on the level of spread, mesothelioma is divided into four stages. This staging division allows doctors to identify the development of cancer cells in the body and determine the treatment steps that will be carried out

  1. Stage 1: The tumor is still local, that is, it is only in one area of ​​the body and the mesothelioma cells have not spread to other tissues or organs. Surgery is performed to remove the tumor. The life expectancy of patients diagnosed with stage 1 mesothelioma is 21 months or more.

  2. Stage 2: The tumor is larger and the mesothelioma cells begin to spread to nearby areas. Surgical removal of the tumor can still be done, although the results are not very effective. The life expectancy for patients with stage 2 mesothelioma is 19 months or less.

  3. Stage 3: Mesothelioma cells have spread to surrounding organs. Surgery is no longer effective because some of the cancer cells have spread to other areas. The survival rate for stage 3 mesothelioma patients is about 16 months.

  4. Stage 4: Mesothelioma cells have spread to various areas throughout the body through the bloodstream. Treatments that are still in the research stage will be offered to patients to extend the patient's chances of survival. The life expectancy of end-stage mesothelioma patients is very low, which is about 12 months.

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Symptoms of mesothelioma are not-specific and can be caused by other conditions. Therefore, immediately see a doctor if you feel the above symptoms, especially if you have a history of exposure to asbestos.

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