Candidiasis is a Treatable Fungal Infection

Candidiasis is a Treatable Fungal Infection

Candidiasis is a treatable fungal infection. To understand candidiasis, you can start by identifying candida first. Candida is actually a group of common fungi that live in the human body. These yeasts usually live in large quantities in body parts such as the mouth, abdomen and skin without causing any problems. However, when conditions change or abnormal, these yeasts can multiply and grow uncontrollably, causing an infection called candidiasis.

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Candidiasis that occurs in the mouth or throat is called oral thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis. Female genital candidiasis is often called yeast infection, vaginal yeast or candidiasis vaginalis, or vaginitis. Men can also get genital candida infection, although this is rare.

Candidiasis is a treatable fungal infection. Although infectious candidiasis occurs when candida enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body and vital organs such as the heart, brain, eyes, bones or other organs. This type of candidiasis is very dangerous and can be life threatening.

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In general, doctors can diagnose candidiasis from a physical examination. Sometimes, doctors need to confirm the disease by taking a small sample from the mouth for a laboratory test. Although genital candidiasis often has the same symptoms as other gynecological diseases. So to make sure, the doctor can perform laboratory tests of the emerging vaginal sample.

Getting candidiasis is often very difficult because the patient already has another disease. A blood sample will be required if the doctor suspects blood candidiasis. A fungal ritual will be performed to confirm the presence of a yeast infection.

Symptoms of Candiasis

Oral candidiasis can show the following symptoms:

  • White or yellow spots on the tongue, mouth, marinas, roof of the mouth and inner cheeks
  • Redness or pain in the mouth and throat
  • Sounds like cotton in the mouth
  • Loss of taste
  • Cracks or redness in the corners of the mouth
  • Pain when swallowing

Vaginal candidiasis can show symptoms including:

  • Excessive itching in the vagina
  • Redness and swelling of the vagina and genitals
  • Pain and burning when urinating
  • Discomfort during sex
  • Thick liquid and white cheese.
  • A man with candidiasis will often have a itchy rash on his penis.

Although the symptoms of invasive candidiasis are usually fever and chills that do not improve with antibiotics. If it attacks an organ, other symptoms will occur following an infection of the infected organ.

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Treatment of Candiasis

Generally, the treatment for candidiasis is the use of antifungal drugs such as nystatin, clotrimazole, miconazole and fluconazole. Or it may be best to consult a physician to determine the appropriate and appropriate medication.

For vaginal candidiasis can often be used drugs that are injected directly into the vagina such as fluconazole ovules. Although invasive candidiasis is treated with antifungal drugs orally or intravenously.

Causes of Candidiasis

Candidiasis is a treatable fungal infection. Oral thrush is more common in infants, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system, such as people with HIV / AIDS. Oral candidiasis can also occur in people with cancer, taking corticosteroids, people with diabetes, dentists, and smokers.

Female genital candidiasis is a health problem that often occurs in women. It is estimated that about 3 out of 4 women have been infected. This can happen because there is a lot of yeast growing due to the disruption of balance in the vagina. This can happen when a woman is pregnant, has diabetes, uses inappropriate fats or oils, uses spermicides (contraceptives), uses other contraceptives, and when the immune system is weakened.

Meanwhile, the risk of developing candidiasis will increase in people with diabetes, kidney failure, and those who use broad-spectrum antibiotics, using a central venous catheter (input device). in the blood vessels often around the heart), those with diabetes. he was being treated in the ICU and his immune system was in critical condition. The disease usually occurs in those who have been hospitalized for a long time or in health care facilities such as nursing homes.

Prevention of Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis can be prevented with simple steps, which is to maintain good oral hygiene at all times. In addition, people at high risk can sometimes use oral soap containing chlorhexidine. This drug is useful as a preventative for those with weakened immune systems.

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Female genital candidiasis can be prevented by maintaining intimate hygiene and balance of plants (good fungi) in the vagina. Use cotton underwear that keeps the environment dry and air well circulated. This fungal infection can also be spread through sexual contact. So always use condoms when you have sex.

Candidiasis is a treatable fungal infectionPrevention of invasive candidiasis can be done by giving antifungal drugs to those with a high risk.

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